Hand in Hand at European events
18 Nov 2014
Hand in Hand CEO Josefine Lindänge and Programme Finance Manager Peter Munyua took to the stage at two different events in November: the European Microfinance Week and the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) annual conferences. Take a look at Josefine’s presentation.
Josefine Lindänge joined forces with Frederik Jan ven dan Bosch, Manager of Micro and Small Enterprise Finance at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to present our shared experiences providing credit to and developing agri-businesses for small-holder farmers at European Microfinance Week in Luxembourg on Friday 14 November.
Peter Munyua explained how our Enterprise Incubation Fund prioritizes societal impact and provides financial returns for venture philanthropists at the EVPA in Berlin on Tuesday 18 November.
Take a look at Peter’s presentation.